





  1. Welcome to [Our Store]! How can I help you today?
    • いらっしゃいませ!本日はどのようなご用件でしょうか?
  2. Would you like any assistance with that?
    • 何かお手伝いしましょうか?
  3. Could I interest you in [some product or service]?
    • [商品やサービス]に興味はありますか?
  4. We have a special offer today on [product/service].
    • 本日は[商品/サービス]に特別オファーがございます。
  5. Please follow me, I’ll show you to your table/room.
    • こちらへどうぞ、お席/お部屋までご案内します。
  6. How was everything with your meal/stay?
    • お食事/ご滞在はいかがでしたか?
  7. Can I get you anything else?
    • 他にご用意するものはございますか?
  8. Thank you for waiting, your table/room is ready now.
    • お待たせいたしました、お席/お部屋の準備ができました。
  9. If you need anything else, just let us know.
    • 他に何か必要なことがあれば、お知らせください。
  10. Thank you for coming, have a great day!
    • ご来店ありがとうございます、素敵な一日を!



Staff:Welcome to Our Cafe! How can I help you today?

Tourist: “Hi, thank you! I was hoping to find a quiet spot to have some breakfast and maybe do a bit of work.”

Staff: “Absolutely! Please follow me, I’ll show you to your table. It’s in a quieter part of the cafe, perfect for working.”

(Staff leads Tourist to a table near a window.)

Staff: “Here is your table. Could I interest you in our breakfast special? We also have a range of freshly brewed coffees and teas.”

Tourist: “That sounds great! What’s the breakfast special today?”

Staff:We have a special offer today on our homemade Belgian waffles with fresh berries and whipped cream. It’s very popular among our guests.”

Tourist: “I’ll try that, and could I also get a cappuccino, please?”

Staff: “Of course! Would you like any assistance with our Wi-Fi or anything else while you’re waiting?

Tourist: “Yes, could you help me connect to the Wi-Fi, please?”

Staff: “Sure, I’ll assist you with that.”

(Staff helps Tourist connect to Wi-Fi.)

Staff: “Thank you for waiting, your breakfast will be ready shortly. Can I get you anything else in the meantime?

Tourist: “No, that’s all, thank you.”

(Staff brings the food and coffee after a few minutes.)

Staff: “Here is your breakfast and cappuccino. How was everything with your order?”

Tourist: “Everything looks wonderful, thank you.”

(Staff checks back after a while.)

Staff: “Is everything to your satisfaction? Can I get you anything else?

Tourist: “No, this is perfect, thanks.”

Staff: “Great! If you need anything else, just let us know.”

(After the meal, Tourist signals for the bill.)

Staff:Thank you for coming, have a great day! And if you need directions or recommendations around the city, feel free to ask.”

Tourist: “Thank you so much for the excellent service. I’ll definitely come back next time I’m in town.”


